By and For the Grass Roots! Creating the New Opportunity Economy!

Project for Home Workers Priority Zone Housing.

Mackenzie Andersen
6 min read1 day ago

Curly Grass, by Mackenzie Andersen, purchase a high-quality print on my Art Stirefriont!

I have been working on The Graham Grants for Individuals inquiry, which has been submitted to my fiscal sponsor, the Field, to meet the Graham Foundation’s deadline of September 15.

I need references in the field for the inquiry/ Chances of being accepted are greatly diminished without them. The skills in the description for Urban Planning found on Headlamp are a match but I do not know anyone in the field, in fact the reason for the project is that the field has excluded home businesses for as long as I can remember, having grown up in a home business, Andersen Design that was established in 1952.

The Andersen Design Hedgehog can be purchased on my Art Storefront


Erin Cooperrider is an example of a professional in the field appropriate to my project. You can see that this field excludes home businesses when Ms Cooperrider said this in 2018:

“Housing is key to creating a sustaining and thriving community and every community needs a continuum of housing choice — home ownership and rental, large and small, affordable and market rate. Diversity in housing choice ensures diversity in population old and young, growing families who need larger homes and older folks downsizing, children in school, people working the service sectors and professional jobs, and people in retirement.” source

People who work from home are not included in Ms Cooperrider’s vision of the social structure!

I also reviewed a paper for Humanities and Social Sciences Communications on the capitalization of informationalization in University systems. When capitalization is distributed mainly for capital assets over human resources, capital assets sit idle, at least until robots completely displace our usefulness. if that is possible.

The budget distribution for the grant I am applying to apply for, also prioritizes funding for capital assets over human work. which I wrote about in my post titled The Value of Work, and accounts for why I am not trying to line up collaborators for this inquiry to apply for a grant, even though having collaborators makes my project more viable.

Alternatively, or additionally, I could fund the project on my profile on the field. Then I could identify the team members at an early stage. I could even budget the team members as independent contractors, as I recall an article published on The Field about how contributors should be paid.

Many nonprofits rely heavily on volunteer labor. Schools use student labor. Publicly traded corporations have expanded the wealth divide by increasing the rate of pay for executives at a much greater rate than that of the workers who are commonly identified by the term “workforce”.

“Workforce” is a term for a category of housing that is replacing the terms “low income “ and “affordable housing” Changes are implemented incrementally. I have observed over and again that legislation designed to benefit the neediest is transformed into benefits for the top of the economy in a matter of a few short years. First there is low-income housing to provide housing for society’s most needy, and then there is affordable housing to increase the economic parameters of government-regulated housing and its financial structuring. Now the term and consideration for low-income housing is being phased out and the term workforce housing is phased in like cutting and pasting!

Erin Cooperrider was the voice for this transformation back in 2018 as reported in The Boothbay Register in the article Housing, water projects highlight Planning Commission annual meeting, where she said the following:

Response to housing needs is an ongoing process, so developing affordable housing takes time and expertise in its finance, said Cooperrider. She said that takes a clear understanding of the terms used in public discourse and in municipal regulations.(emphasis mine)
In the last decade, affordable housing developers started using
the term workforce housing during permitting to describe the financials with the low-income housing tax credit, Cooperrider said. The income bracket the projects target includes many service sector jobs. Workforce housing also avoid using the term low income or affordable to describe the projects, she added. (emphasis mine)

Portland is among communities that have started referring to workforce housing as a household earning between 100 percent AMI and 120 percent AMI, she said. Cooperider added, other communities have been targeting more specific industries or types of jobs, rather than income brackets. (emphasis mine)

I emphasized “terms used in public discourse and in municipal regulations”, because that is now codified into law in LD 2003 an act planned with Ms. Cooperriders help.
HP1489 (Ld 2003) states:

Amends the fair housing provisions of the Maine Human Rights Act to define the terms “character of a location,” “overcrowding of land” and “concentration of the population” and to prohibit municipalities and government entities from using these criteria to restrict the construction or development of housing accommodations in any area;

HP 1489 defines community character uniformly across all of Maine, regulating housing and income levels simultaneously. Once earning a living meant being able to afford a home on one’s own terms, now housing, employment, and rate of pay are inseparably linked. As in the feudalistic system, employers are creating their own workforce housing so that increasingly it is becoming that one’s employer is also one’s landlord. This is the ultimate outcome of a system that uses public wealth to subsidize large corporations at the top of the economy leading to a system where the top of the economy owns all of the capital assets in a society.

I emphasized the words “the term workforce housing during permitting to describe the financials with the low-income housing tax credit” because it clearly states the hegemonic attitude about paying the working classes who are paired with “low-income” even as they are phasing out the term low income from politically correct speech.

I emphasized “other communities have been targeting more specific industries or types of jobs, rather than income brackets”, because:

Today with Bigelow advocating for a massive affordable housing complex that caps the income of its inhabitants, we can switch out the words (above) from six years ago, with this:

The term workforce housing during permitting to describe the financials with the affordable housing tax credit. The income bracket the projects target includes many skilled corporate sector jobs. (whose income will be capped by their housing status- added by author)

I have observed an increasing attitude in the three pillars of concentrated wealth, publicly traded corporations, non-profits, and the educational system, all major recipients of government redistributed public wealth. This attitude is that workers really don’t need to be paid well, if paid at all, and that funding should be invested mainly in capital assets, including land and real estate, synchronizing with the removal of housing affordability from the concept of “earning a living”, which is the primary cause of the worker’s movement away from corporate culture and the rising remote worker’s movement. When the ability to afford a home was removed from the concept of earning a living, that broke the corporate promise for the working classes, which is not yet being addressed because leadership is occluded from what is taking place among the working classes now being given voice by the Harris Walz campaign introducing the new phraseology “ The opportunity economy” with an emphasis on small business growth.

Controlling housing at every level of society and tying housing to caps on income is a very totalitarian

My project offers an opportunity for its team members to develop urban planning careers.

By working with online resources such as Headlamp and Ersi ArcGIS Online training, the team members can earn professional certificates in the field. By working on the project for homeworkers they can develop “artifacts” for their online portfolios. By working together as a team, the team members can support and learn from each other in a feedback environment. It is an opportunity for persons looking to enter a field like urban planning without going into debt.

So in the beginning, when the resources to pay human resources are limited, the capital assets-such as subscriptions to GIS software are qualifiable “opportunity” assets that can help team members to engage in a mutual learning experience and creative collaboration that can increase their income-earning capabilities.

See my inquiry to apply for grant to learn more about project!



Mackenzie Andersen

Its a long story . What is most important is first in in about section on