Short Spoken Public Hearing Testimony Boothbay’s Repealed and Replaced School Charter

Testimony submitted to be spoken places the charter within the framework of home rule vs state central management of everything

Mackenzie Andersen
5 min readMay 13, 2023
Photo by Alexander Jawfox on Unsplash

I did my public testimony at the Maine Legislature on the Boothbay School Charter. I was nervous and that did not help my delivery but I was the only one testifying who talked about what is in the school charter other than “we are aligning it with State Law.”, which underscored my own point that the charter is repealing our home rule over our school charter and replacing it with state law.

I was the only person testifying who was not a member of the inner leadership circle who wrote the charter replacement. They all said more or less the same thing- it is just so terrible that since the Charter was first created in 1953, that it has been amended many times- so we dumped it, and aligned it with state law so that will never have to be done again, The state laws have been amended many times as well so maybe we should dump them too? If I were writing a novel or a movie script, I wouldn’t have to change much. It’s surreal.

It is no surprise that there were no other testimonies since the hearing was not publicized and I only knew about it because…



Mackenzie Andersen

Its a long story . What is most important is first in in about section on