Truth and Consequences

How a massive cultural transformation being marketed by public- private special interests on the Boothbay Peninsula of Maine does not withstand the most elementary, rudimentary research effort.

Mackenzie Andersen
8 min readJan 6, 2023
Are they soluting or are they protesting? William White Unsplash

I was composing a post for two days, working on it yesterday morning when it suddenly disappeared from my dashboard and from Google history. All edits for the post I have been working on since two days before yesterday have been wiped, while other history remains.

I tried to find ways to restore the history but nothing worked and so now I must re-create the post from memory. Here goes: I know it will be a very different post this time around not unaffected by the disappearance of my original post about the proposed 100-million-dollar school. In the vanished post I was more low-key and actually trying to move away from thinking about the depressing transformations being planned for our rural community by outside agitators, but once my post was disappeared low key was out the door and I can’t hold back.

There is a video online at AOS98, the school district website, Building Project Overview in which School Superintendent Robert Kahler is pitching the 80 million dollar school before it became a 100 million dollar school.



Mackenzie Andersen

Its a long story . What is most important is first in in about section on